-An Introduction
Inssta Road Pachr a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a unique dispensing mechanism conceived and innovated first in India for Machine Repaired Potholes based on World's no.1 American Pressure Sensitive Technology for instant pothole repairs.
InsstaPattch premix asphalt is indigenously developed with a track record of 15 years and made in India on pressure sensitive technology (PST) and also technically evaluated and accredited by Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), IRC, MoRTH, BRO, Railways, PWD and many local bodies.

The salient features of PST technology is environmental friendly, no emissions and no heating. Scientific formulated ingredients are coated on 6mm and 20mm aggregates for guaranteed interlock bonding of material in pothole after compaction.
Inssta Road Pachr SPV is a revolutionary concept with InsstaPattch PST premix asphalt material and manufactured on state of art facilities by Grams Infratech (I) Private Limited Nagpur after consistent research and technological innovation visualizing # POTHOLE FREE INDIA and also to present a model of Integrated Pothole Solution to support global infrastructure development and maintenance of potholes on roads.
Inssta Road Pachr SPV has an advantage to control conversions of small pothole into big pothole. Machine Repaired Potholes with latest PST technology has the potential to repair even small pothole by discharging less quantity of InsstaPattch asphalt and allow traffic to free flow immediately after repairs.
The established logic behind repair of tiny small pothole is to arrest further damages to surrounding areas and to save on extra expenditure, otherwise would have been incurred on repair of inflated damages. The timely repair of Potholes increases the life of existing pavement and postponing recarpeting of roads by 2-3 years until the allocation of budget.

About Company
Grams Infratech (I) Private Limited
Inssta Road Pachr SPV is a revolutionary concept with InsstaPattch PST premix asphalt material and manufactured on state of art facilities by Grams Infratech (I) Private Limited after consistent research and technological innovation visualizing # POTHOLE FREE INDIA and also to present a model of Integrated Pothole Solution to support global infrastructure development and maintenance of potholes on roads.
A Step Ahead for Safer India

Two incidents of fatal accidents in life shocked us and realized the trauma faced on loss of precious life of a family member and also repairable loss to the society. The day itself decided to dedicate our InsstaPattch premix asphalt to Nation. InsstaPattch is pioneered on PST technology for instant repair of Potholes and pavements and giving relief to the commuters and bring happiness in human life. To make Safe India, there was a need of Integrated Pothole Solution by dispensing mechanism to discharge insstapattch on spot of pavement. After continuous research in a year, team of young engineers discovered a compact design of Inssta Road Pachr SPV on cab, developing material discharge system to pour directly into pothole and pavements. The Inssta Road Pachr machine is ideal and suitable in networking to eliminate Potholes in various part of India.
Revolutionary Inssta Road Pachr SPV has huge potential to generate employment opportunities for young engineers and entrepreneurs and also to create enterprise development opportunities in transforming real # POTHOLE FREE INDIA
Inssta Road Pachr SPV will substantially contribute in increasing country's GDP.According to study by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) , road traffic accidents cost India nearly 3 percent of its Gross Domestic Products (GDP) , a year or, in absolute terms, about $ 58000 million.
Inssta Road Pachr SPV machine supported by Guaranteed Insstapattch PST Refill is globally a first unique combination of technology and engineering is made in India as Integrated Pothole Solution to repair Potholes and restriction in further damages to pavement in highways, rural and urban roads through our authorized associates and applicators in India. The combination works in extreme weather conditions like summer, winter and rainy seasons and suitable for pothole repair across India.

In our work we have pride, quality is what we provide.
Client Testimonials

Ministry Of Railways, Railways Board, New Delhi Vide letter no.2013/CE-I/Innov./2(N.B.N) dated 14.05.2013 has advised to zone for repairs to potholes at level crossing and other similar locations.

Director General Border Roads New Delhi Vide Letter no.80695/DGBR/MISC/12/D&S dated 8th June 2011 has advised to use of Insstapattch Instant Repair for maintenance of Road/ Highways

Public Works Department Goverment of Maharashtra has included PST Technology Insstapattch item in PWD DSR 2017-18 for repairs and maintenance of potholes

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) New Delhi vide circular No.RW/NH/35075/06/2016/S&R (R) Dated 23.11.2016 has accreditated Pressure Sensitive Technology Insstapattch For use on National HIghways

Indian Road Congress (IRC) New DelhiVide Circular No.IRC-24 (12) 2016/Insstapattch dated 29.10.2016 has accredited pressure Sensitive Technology Insttapattch For Use On National HIghways

Central Road Research Institute(CRRI) New Delhi in their Technical ReportNo. FPD 06.2011 titled "Laboratory Evaluation of insstapattch (a pressure Sensitive compound for Instant Repairs of Potholes)" has prepared comprehensive report on pressure ssensitive technology for 8 months of rigorous test and recommended that Insstapattch PST compound is the best altertnative to conventional one that which can save thousand crores of rupees on maintenance cost